Sunday, March 16, 2008

Unless you are like a child...

Today I was put in my place by a little child. As I was walking out of the supermarket, I saw a woman sitting on the curb begging. Usually this evokes some sort of response is me, but not today. Today I was too caught up in my own stuff until I saw a little girl of four putting out her hand to her mom. I saw her mom reach into her pocket and pull out some change. The little girl then returned to the old woman to give her this small gift.

When I looked at this woman, I judged. I wondered… does she really need it or is she just bumming off of me?

But this little girl didn't ask any of these questions. She saw someone in need and she knew she had the means to change the situation and so she did. No hesitation. No questions. No need for a response.

I was reading today in Mark about the disciples argument of who would be first in the Kingdom. Jesus put a stop to it when he knelt down, picked up a small child and said, “Whoever wants to be first must be last, and the servant of all.”

Today I wasn’t a servant. Today I didn’t see as Jesus sees… but one day I hope to be like that little girl… giving without hesitation.

1 comment:

gilk said...

I enjoyed reading what you wrote, I have been in situations like that and thought the exact same things as you. I guess I was judging those people instead of being like Jesus and loving them. We are to be servants not only with our money but our time and talents. Thank you. MG