Thursday, December 13, 2007

Will you catch me?

Last night I went to my friends, Jon and Jen's house for dinner. They have two cute lil' ones that I just had a ball with. Hudson is independent and at 10 months is ready to take on the world... Devyn is 3 and fearless. To prove this point, Jon picked her up by her feet and threw her up in the air. For the split second that she was suspended in the air, she let out a cry of delight just in time for Jon to catch her under her arms.
In that moment, she had nothing to trust in except that her dad was going to catch her.
I would venture to say that many times in my own life, I find myself doubting in that split second. In those moments when I feel like everything in my life is spinning wildly out of control all I can think is: 'Will you catch me?'
It's easy for me to SAY, "God is good," but in THAT moment, I have a hard time trusting my Father. As I look back on the past year, I feel like so many days were spend in the air, and I found myself crying out, "What are you doing?!"
But the real question is: Why can't I trust like Devyn? She never had to question... she KNEW that her dad was good and KNEW that he would he wouldn't drop her.
God's asking me, "Do you trust me?" Instead of freaking out, he's asking me to take on the adventure of a lifetime. Instead of hating those moments of the unknown, he's asking me to cry out in delight knowing that I can trust my Father.
Will he catch me? Ask Devyn.


Jenn @ Knee-Deep in Munchkin Land said...

Oh Jamie! I just LOVE that story and the post! I am constantly amazed at how God uses my children to teach me lessons. It is a humbling to know that there are times when Devyn teaches me more about God than I teach her. Beautifully written and so very true!

Jamie said...

I'm glad you liked it... I was so blessed to watch y'all yesterday. Love you girl