Bugs and I do not get along. But this weekend while we were camping there was a certain bug that constantly intrigued me... the leaf cutter ant. I watched them march along carrying these huge leaves and pieces of food. (I was a little worried that they were going to carry me away in my sleep.)
One specific little ant caught my eye as I was walking along. He was struggling to carry a leaf that was clearly too big for him. I watched another ant come up and carry not only the leaf but the fellow ant.
I began to think of my friends, the people who have come along side me and lifted not only my burden but me as well. I am reminded of the verse that says, "Two are better than one... If they fall down, they can help each other up. But pity those who fall and have no one to help them up!" -Ecc 4: 9
Friend, thank you for always being there to carry not only me but my burden as well.
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