Hair and teeth... skin that has the consistency of fried chicken… sorta and we can't forget the claws. But, it was the teeth I couldn’t get past. My friends thought it would be funny to kiss it, but I just couldn’t get past the teeth! And then I started thinking of my sister’s pet snowball.
I want to tell you that it tastes like chicken, but if I were honest I would say it tastes like a really greasy duck with barely ANY meat on it. Yep, I got to enjoy the fine dining of “cuy” yesterday. If that doesn’t mean anything to you, the translation would be “Guinea Pig.” A picture is worth a thousand words… hope you enjoy as much as I did.
(top picture is before... bottom is after)
eeeew - this freaks me out! lol
this... made me throw up a little. haha! nothing like a fried guinnea pig to almost throw a preggo into labor! :)
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